Some News


On Saturday the Armenian company known as Grand Candy celebrated their 10th anniversary. How? They produced a world breaking 9,720 pound chocolate bar. The previous world record was only a 7,890 pound chocolate bar in Italy. The new record-holder was handed the official document of their accomplishment. It measured 10 in' thick, 18.4 ft by nine ft. Vocab: Appraise-To estimate the monetary value of; determine the worth of.

Man Gets Shot by Pirate(9.16.10)

A 911 call was made for David Michael Harrtley, who was shot in the head and thrown off his jet ski. His wife managed to escape by dodging bullets from the Mexican pirates marauding on a U.S.-Mexico border lake. The gunmen are suspected pirates who have turned Falcon Lake, a water-skiing and bass fishing hotspot down the border from Laredo.

Live ! Paris Hilton Pleads Guilty on Cocaine Charges (9.20.10)

The famous celebrity was just brought to court about about an hour ago for her arrest. Paris Hilton plead guilty to misdemeanor drug possession and obstructing a police officer in her cocaine arrest case. The judge said she would be on parol under the circumstance that she  pay a $2,000 fine and complete 200 hours of community service. Paris has also been ordered to complete an substance abuse program. (9.20.10) 

Dog Park Powered by Dog Poop's Methane (9.21.10)

A dog park in Cambridge, Massachusetts makes use of their dog poop. They have figured out a way to utilize renewable energy source. The lamp is generated using Methane gas. Folks who use this simply collect the poop in a plastic bag and put it in the device. Vocab: Kernel-The most central part; a grain.

Obama: Legalizing Pot Won't Grow Economy(9.22.10)

President Obama  held an online town hall meeting in which he answered questions submitted to the White House web site. People would vote on which question they wanted to be asked. A very popular question was whether or not pot would help the economy. People expected this issue to be ignored, however President Obama addressed the issue right away. He said jobs would come from investing in clean energy technologies not by legalizing a drug."The answer is, no, I don't think that is a good strategy to grow our economy," the president said. His answer prompted applause from the audience.

Man Arrested After Picking Fight With Pet Parrot (9.27.10)

A 49-year-old man has been arrested in Ann Arbor due to  a fight with the pet parrot carried in his backpack. Three 911 calls were made explaining that the colorful bird was shaken so violently that its feathers were scattered. The parrot suffered a red eye and bald patches as well as a limp, police said. The owner told officers he was disciplining and training the bird. He was being held in the Washtenaw County Jail pending charges. Vocab: Confiscate- Take or seize with authority.

Man Shoots Teen in Butt Because of Baggy Pants(9.28.10)

Law enforcement officials in Memphis, Tenn., believe the 45-year-old named Bonds shot a 17-year-old in the buttocks after getting into an argument with the teen over his baggy trousers. The victim and his 16-year-old friend were told to pull up their pants. The teens who were on their way to buy candy refused and Bonds allegedly shouted a profanity at the duo and demanded they "do what he told them to do" because he is an adult. The victim and his friend reportedly called Bonds a "fat ass" and continued heading toward the candy store. Once they were done, Bonds had time to get his gun from his house, he then discharged a round into his rear end. Amalgamate: Unite; Combine

The Average Dog Has The Mental Abilities of a 2 Year Old Child. (10.6.10) 

Scientists are modifying tests for dogs that were originally developed to measure skills in children. This reveals that average dogs can learn 165 words (similar to a 2-year-old child), including signals and gestures. It also suggest dogs have a basic understanding of arithmetic, and they can count to four or five. Like human toddlers, dogs also show some basic emotions, such as happiness, anger and disgust. But more complex emotions, such as guilt, are impossible to be felt. And while dogs know whether they're being treated fairly, they don't grasp the concept of equity.

Phillipines Hijacking Kills Chinese Tourists(10.18.10)

50 million tourists on the Chinese mainland have travelled to its neighbouring country in the Philippines. On August 23, a dismissed Philippine police officer hijacked a tour bus carrying 25 people, including 21 tourists from Hong Kong, in an attempt to get his job back. The 11-hour hostage drama ended in a bloody carnage, killing eight Hong Kong tourists and the lone hostage taker in a bungled police rescue. Keep in mind that this was streaming live on television. A code Black was initiated meaning that visitors would have to cancel their trip. Also, tourists left abruptly which was not good for the Philippines, they lost about 40 million pesos ($921,658) Eccentricity: unconventional person; an unconventional person who has unusual habits.

Chilian Miners trapped

33 Chilean miners are trapped underground after a catastrophic disaster. The President and the whole country watched anxiously for the miners to be rescued. NASA helped develop a bullet type capsul that is send underground. This capsul was designed to transport the miners one by one. Foreman Florencio Avalos, 31, was the first of the miners to ride up the shaft. Aug. 5 when an underground collapse at the mine sealed off exits for the men.
  Aug. 5 when an underground collapse at the mine sealed off exits for the men.

Read more:  Contemptious: Scornful; disdainful

embodimentL concrete expression of an idea
uncanny: inexplicable;preternaturally strange; weird
bequeath: to hand down;pass on
Intractable: Not easily managed or controlled.

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